Tag Archives: #the100dayproject

#the100dayproject – Half Way!

DIY pom pomfirecrackergift bags!mountain sketchGet To Work Bookthe100dayprojectI am officially half way through the 100 day project. Judging by the fact that the project is intended to wrap up on July 14, I clearly didn’t keep up very well. In my usual fashion, I lost momentum quickly in. I regrouped, started again, and then lost momentum again. I think my biggest problem was that I sorely underestimated how difficult it would be to add in some creative time to my schedule. Going from allowing myself practically NO creative time to suddenly deciding that I’d do it every day, proved to be a bit tricky.

After falling off the wagon for the third or fourth time, I decided that I was going to complete the project…it just wasn’t going to be by July 14. Some days I’d “play catch up.” I’d knock out several projects on the weekend to make up for missing several days the past week. That’s all fine and good, yet it does sort of miss the point of the project. Therefore, I decided to cut myself some slack. I decided that I might not be able to give myself creative time every single day. However, I would still create 100 projects. Even if it took me a few additional months, I’d still likely have way more to show for the year than if I hadn’t taken on this project.

I shared a progress report a little way in to the project where I talked about what I’d learned so far. Here’s a few more things that I’ve picked up on recently:

  1. It’s best to do any sort of creative project in the morning. I tended to put off my creative time until everything else was done. Shame on me. First of all, things photograph better in the morning. Some of my photos are dark and not that great because I’d be photographing it with poor lighting late at night. Plus, expecting myself to feel creative and inspired after a long day of work, isn’t the smartest move. Most of the time, I’d come home exhausted and not work on anything, which resulted in me getting off track. If you want to truly embrace your creativity, it’s likely best to do that in the morning.
  2. There are so many mediums that I’ve never tried! In thinking up ideas for the project, I realized that there’s a lot of artistic things that I’ve never tried. This project gave me the freedom to try out charcoals, watercolor, purchase a sewing course, etc. If I wouldn’t have taken on this project, I would have likely continued to put this sort of exploration on the back burner. I’ve learned that I have more artistic interests/abilities than I thought I did, and I’m happy to be trying new things. I’ll succeed at some and fail at others. That’s how this goes.
  3. I mainly wanted to do more painting. I set my hashtag as #100daysofcraftythings because I didn’t want to limit myself. I wanted to be able to do all sorts of projects. However, I learned a little ways in that what I really wanted was to allow myself more time to paint. When planning out projects, I almost always gravitated towards painting. This project helped me to realize that I want to explore this art a bit more.
  4. Everyone has an opinion. Some people love everything. Some people hate everything. I already knew that I can sometimes get my feelings hurt rather easily. Creating something and then getting somewhat negative feedback on that thing, takes hurt feelings to a whole new level. I have a new respect for “real” artist that put their art out there and in turn open themselves up to all sorts of unsolicited feedback. If you create something and freely share it with the world, I have mad respect for you.
  5. I suck at following too strict of rules. The entire concept of this project is that you take time each day to nurture a creative habit. I totally get it AND support it. However, I also have a natural aversion to following the rules too closely. I think the main reason I couldn’t keep up was reason #1 (above). However, I also think that I sort of rebuked the idea of having to do something every single day…even if it’s something I wanted to do. I think I needed to give myself the freedom to not have to do it sometimes.

All in all, I’m still thrilled I took on this project and I also know that I’ll be immensely proud of myself once I reach #100. I’m truly learning a lot about myself and my creative ability through the process. I think that I’m going to benefit greatly from “giving” myself this time, and I can’t wait to report back with 100 projects completed.

If you’d like to see what all I’ve been up to, check out #100daysofcraftythings on Instagram. Can you imagine that there will eventually be 100+ photos there?! I hardly can’t.


Have Courage & Be Kind

Cinderella quoteI created this sketch as one of my very first projects when I started the 100 day project. It was shortly after the release of the new Cinderella movie and the quote had really stuck with me. Ever since sketching it, I’ve had it hanging on the mirror where I get dressed every morning, and I see it often as I walk to and from my closet room. I also set the photo as the screen saver on my phone. I firmly believe in surrounding yourself with positivity and this sign is one of the reminders that I thought I’d like to have daily. After seeing it for several weeks, I started having a few thoughts on what it actually meant for me.

courage – noun: the ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous.

It made me think about what it means to have courage. In the obvious sense of the word, it means to do things that you’re afraid of. We typically think of courage as facing a certain fear, like skydiving even though you’re afraid of heights. While it’s a great reminder to have that sort if courage, for me it means a little more.

I chose to surround myself with this reminder because I want to constantly have the courage to have difficult conversations. To ask hard questions or to ask for more from people. I want to be courageous so that I keep doing and dreaming, even when other people tell me I can’t. I want to have the courage to be my true self, even when I’m afraid to let people close to me. I want to be courageous enough to write and share my thoughts here, even when people don’t understand why I blog. I want to be brave enough to keep going when my feelings are hurt, rather than letting it stop me in my tracks. I want be courageous enough to compliment strangers…to tell them sweet things that they’d love to hear. I want to have the courage to live a bold, unwavering life, even when the people around me don’t do the same.

Yes, I do want to have the courage to try new and exciting things. However, for me, being courageous in my every day life is more important. I want to approach each small, daily task with courage and bravery. To me, how you live your daily life is what makes up the sum of your entire life. Most of us aren’t faced with the opportunity to climb mountains or jump from airplanes every day. However, we do have the opportunity to face our own feelings. We have the opportunity to have real conversations with people, and we have the opportunity to be who we really want to be. Without demonstrating courage in our daily lives, we run the risk of life slipping right past us. We run the risk of missing out on wonderful opportunities and not ever learning who we actually are.

Of course, you should have the courage to explore amazing adventures. Today though, I charge you to show some courage in your daily life. Maybe you want to ask for a promotion. Do it. Maybe you’ve thought that lady at the coffee shop has beautiful hair. Tell her. Maybe there’s a dish at a local restaurant that you haven’t tried. Taste it. Maybe you’ve needed to talk to someone about some tough things going on in your life. Make that call. There are a million and one ways that we can demonstrate courage daily. What will you do today that’s courageous? Remember, the reward is often worth so much more than the risk it takes to reach it. Do something courageous today. And then tomorrow too. It’s totally worth it.

Monthly Goals – May

May FlowersWell, it’s May already. Are you as shocked by that as I am?? I sat down to write my usual monthly goals post and then realized that I just couldn’t do it. I’m not ready to set monthly goals again yet. At first I was all like, “Geez, Pamela. You skipped last month too. You really need to get it together.”

Then I realized something important. I don’t have to set monthly goals. I don’t actually have to set any goals at all. (Although, that would drastically affect my success and productivity.) If you clink on my goal tag you’ll quickly and easily see that setting goals is my jam. It’s likely one of those things that I’ll be known for. It’s how I operate and what I’m good at.

However, sometimes you just gotta take a break from things. Sometimes you have to hit pause on your regular activities and come back to them later when it feels right. That’s what I’m doing here. My work schedule isn’t really conducive to a ton of personal development or house projects right now. Plus, I’m in the middle of BOLD (a very intense real estate class) and working diligently on #the100dayproject. So, rather than feeling guilty for “getting off track,” I’m going to cut myself some slack and not worry too much about ditching the monthly goals for a bit.

Have you ever hit pause on something and came back to it later? If so, I’d love to hear how that worked for you. I’m sure that I’ll pick these monthly goals back up soon. For now, I’ll be selling all of the houses, calling all of the people, and making all of the crafty projects.

Related: focusing on just one goal.

#the100dayproject Progress Report

100 Days Project (12)Re-Purposed Muffin Tins100 Days Project (2)100 Days Project (3)100 Days Project (4)100 Days Project (5)100 Days Project (6)Business Owner100 Days Project (8)100 Days Project (9)100 Days Project (10)100 Days Project (11)

Day 4 – I used my ABM happy mail to send lovely lady letters to some fabulous friends!
Day 5- I re-purposed muffin tins to use for earring organization!
Day 6- I FINALLY painted the wooden rod for my DIY rope curtain.
Day 7- I framed a card (from elisejoy‘s packaging) & got it ready to complete a gallery wall.
Day 8- I did a bit of miscellaneous painting. 🎨
Day 9- I added a third coat + touch ups!
Day 10- I added a bit of sparkle and called it DONE!
Day 11- I doodled my BOLD law that I focused on for the week.
Day 12- I made these yummy pineapple mojito cupcakes!
Day 13- I quickly free-handed a 4×6 card.
Day 14-  Made another black & white painting (my fav)!
Day 15- Signed up for the Sew With Us e-course from A Beautiful Mess!

I’ve been participating in #the100dayproject for some time, and I’ve learned a lot already. Overall, I’ve done fairly well with the project. Although, I did fall behind early in the project and had to play catchup.

Here’s what I’ve learned so far:
1. Committing to something for 100 days is tough!! If I were being completely honest, I’d say that I have slight commitment issues. They pop up from time to time, and I think it stems from my fear of being locked down. I also struggle with the thought of having to do something (even something that I enjoy) repetitively. I need my day to look different each day and the thought of repetition makes me want to run for the hills! It was on day 8 that I realized how large of a commitment I’d made. Ultimately, I had agreed to do something every single day for 100 days. I felt trapped.

After the shock wore off, I realized that this commitment was a good thing. Sometimes I might regret it or fall behind. However, the finished product would be well worth it.

2. I can get so much done!! I am certainly not a lazy person and I don’t typically come home and waste time. However, I do tend to put off tasks until I have “plenty of time” to do them. For example, I wouldn’t have sat down on a random evening and made a bracelet or painted something. Instead, I would have waited until I had an entire day off with nothing else on the agenda. Do those exists?? Not usually. Therefore, I tend to seldom get around to those crafty projects that I’d like to do. Committing to this challenge has enabled me to get so many projects done! I force myself to make time for being crafty…even when I don’t really want to sometimes. In return, I’ve marked off several items from my list AND I’ve attempted new projects.

Take jewelry making, for example. I’ve never really had much of a desire to make jewelry (other than friendship bracelets when I was 7). However, I knew I needed a few quick and easy projects that I could knock out when I was short on time and energy. Voila! I attempted something new.

3. When it comes to crafty things, I’m not at all a perfectionist. In general, I’d say that I struggle a bit with the concept of perfectionism. (Read more about that here.) In practically every other area of my life, I’ll avoid a project until I have time to do it just right. There I go again! When it comes to craft projects, that perfectionist tendency goes right out the window. I’m a champion of good enough. Take these muffin tins, for example. They had chips here and there from debris sticking to the wet paint. Totally fine. Let’s say I’m making a pillow and the seams aren’t straight. Nobody cares. When it comes to handmade items, I’m perfectly ok with good enough. This project has made me even more evident of this and I’m quite proud of it.

I think that part of the beauty of tackling a large project is how much you can learn from it. It’s a certainty that you’ll learn something about yourself or the world around you. Even though I was secretly wanting to give up on day 8, I’m glad that I pushed through and I can’t wait to see what day 100 feels like.

Have you tackled a big project like this lately? I’d love to hear what you learned!

Sundays are the best days.

Easy Sundays

This past Sunday was something like what dreams are made of. Matthew was home studying for his NCLEX. While he studied, I worked on project after project. Amidst negotiating contracts, chatting with new clients, and addressing issues at an open house, I also got so much done at home and enjoyed the heck out of a sunny Sunday.

This Sunday’s activities included:

  • a 6 mile bike ride together
  • driving to pick up lunch with the windows down and music blaring
  • eating lunch on our patio, again with music blaring
  • working on this and that with the windows open and taking time to chat in between (Remember, opening all of the windows in my house is one of my favorite things.)
  • laundry…boo.

I also watched a lizard shed his skin AND THEN EAT IT. It was literally one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen.


While Matthew studied, I got caught up on #the100dayproject. Friday and Saturday were so incredibly busy that I didn’t have a chance to do my daily activities. I made up for it on Sunday by doing three items in one day. I painted muffin tins (more on this later), painted the rod for a rope curtain I made (more on this later too), AND I framed an elisejoy promotional card to add to a gallery wall.

Rope Curtain

In addition to these fun projects, I did still have work to do. I answered phone calls, texts, and emails. I attended a bridal shower and showed a house on the way back home. Like I’ve said before, there’s hardly a such thing as a day off in my world. However, this Sunday was very close. I realized that these days are the ones that give me the energy to make it through the busy work days. They’re what keep me from going completely insane.

Elise Promo Card

At first, I didn’t want to share this post because I felt like no one should know that I stayed home and did fun things on a Sunday. Then I realized something more important, I deserve these days. I needed the rest. I needed the sunshine, and I needed the time at home with my husband. Here’s to hoping for many more of these days in the near future! I hope you, too, had a fantastic weekend. Now, I’m off to conquer a massive, two-page to-do list!


100 Days of Making

(photo via The Great Discontent)

When I saw details for #the100dayproject  (via EliseJoy),  I knew I had to participate! I’m always the first to get behind any sort of daily challenge. (I’m also probably the first to fall behind half way through…no judging!)

The premise behind this project is that you make something daily for 100 days. Can you just imagine what all you could get done by making something every day for 100 days?? I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make something or do something…I just knew I wanted to participate somehow.

#100DayProjectI actually had quite a bit of trouble deciding which project I wanted to tackle. I made a rather lengthy list and then deliberated for hours on what to do. By deliberated, I mean practically stressed over it and sent waaay too many text messages to Amanda for her opinion.

Nonetheless, I finally made a decision! I decided to go with 100 days of crafty things! I wanted something that had a bit of flexibility, so I left my topic a bit open ended. (I didn’t want to have to work on the same type of project every day.) As of right now, I envision my daily tasks being a variety of things. Some days I’ll paint. Some days I might finish decorating an area of my home, make something new, or learn a new, crafty skill.

Regardless of what actual task I complete each day, my focus is to actually do something fulfilling each day. Most days I am completely exhausted by the time I get home from work, and I tend to put off all of the fun projects I’d like to do. By participating in the 100 days project, I’m hoping to reserve a bit of time each day for creating/doing something fun.

gift wrappinghandmade braceletCinderella quoteWhat have I done so far?
Day 1: wrapped a wedding present and made a gift tag for it
Day 2: made a bracelet
Day 3: doodled a quote from Cinderella for my mirror
Day 4: I’m planning to work on some crafty Lovely Lady Letters!

Think you might like to participate? It’s not too late! Go to the site and register. The project continues until July 14, 2015. You can play catch up if you’d like, skip a few of the first days, or continue on past July 14….whatever your heart desires! If you do decide to participate, let me know! I’d love to follow along.

If you’d like to keep up with what I’ll be doing through this project, you can follow #100daysofcraftythings on IG (@pamelapetrus). Happy crafting!