Tag Archives: Coronatime

Heartbreak and Hurricanes

Two weekends ago, we had the best weekend full of memorable family moments. From Friday-Sunday, the weekend was packed with great things like the first time to climb a tree and going back to church for the first time since Corona. We’d had special desserts and sat outside in the cooler temps. It was simply lovely. 

The weekend was rocking and rolling right along, and then it stopped rolling and mainly rocked. We woke up Monday morning and found one of our pups dead and rushed another to the vet. All bets were off for the productive Monday we had planned.

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Regroup and Reimagine

Pamela at Rise

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the routines and good habits I’d formed pre-pandemic and just how many of those have fallen to the wayside. I’ve been thinking about which ones I need to get back to so that I feel like my old self again. Some of them, no matter how bad I want them, seem impossible. Some of them feel pretentious in times like these, like launching my podcast. Some things, like building a cool cabin on our new property, seem rather daunting when I’m still not organized here at #magnoliaridgeLA.

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The Last 30 Days

wedding day

I sat at home alone on a Saturday morning and tears filled my eyes. At first, I wasn’t even sure why I was crying. After a little more exploration, I was quick to realize that it was all catching up with me.

In the last 30 days, I’ve moved from a house that healed me to a new place with an entirely different way of life. At the old house, we picked up a lot of Johnny’s Pizza. At the new one, there are no quick trips to the store and we cook almost every meal. At the old house, I worked from home all hours of the day. At the new house, cell service is sparse.

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A Time for Fun + What’s Next

#PJOandO at MagnoliaRidgeLA

I read a post from a fellow hope*writer about finding our inner child during this crazy time, and it stayed with me all day. I found myself asking silent questions in my mind like:

What did I enjoy doing as a kid?

What do I do for fun now?

Do I even know how to have pure, unadulterated fun?

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