Tag Archives: birthday

I just didn’t know. | My son’s 2nd birthday.

It’s been two years.

Two whole years ago, I went into labor in the middle of the night, two weeks before my scheduled date.

Two whole years ago, I went into a hospital and brought a little boy into the world in a more traumatic way than I’d hoped.

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34 Fun Facts on My 34th Birthday

It’s my birthday and birthdays have always been a pretty big deal to me. 

I’m in Fort Myers, FL for the Rise Conference this week. (Follow along on Instagram.) Today is day one and I could not be more excited to sit in this room. This will be the first birthday that I can remember spending alone — without my closest friends/family — and though I was excited at first, I’m having a bit of anxiety about it now. Nonetheless, I’m going to find me a cool spot for dinner and I’m going to celebrate the heck out of the opportunity I’m getting to attend this conference. I’m probably one of the few who’d choose to spend their birthday at a personal growth conference and then spend lots of money to make it happen….. There’s your first fun fact about me. 

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My Upcoming Birthday

34th birthday

I’m about to have another birthday. I have a fun post planned for my actual birthday and for now, I want to talk about my expectations of where I thought I’d be at 34 years old.

There are so many things I thought I’d have done by now. I always thought I’d have kids by 32. There was no special reason for that number, just a subconscious thought I had. I thought I’d be more settled. I thought everything in my work would be systematic. I thought I’d have a hefty retirement account. I thought I’d not accidentally overdraw my bank account anymore. (Simple mistake…stop judging.) I thought people would respect me and I’d have clear boundaries. I thought I’d have stopped people-pleasing. I thought I’d shop for whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I thought I’d have a big, pretty house full of people.

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Where to Stay & Eat in Jackson, MS

Airbnb Jackson, MSYesterday I turned 31. Last year I was soooo excited to be turning 30 and I even threw a big party to celebrate. This year I’m feeling a little more low key and choosing to soak up some R&R where I can. I asked Matthew for a shopping trip for my birthday because that ole closet of mine is needing a refresh these days. This past weekend, we went to Jackson, MS to hit up some of my favorite stores and check out the outlet mall. Here’s a fun recap of the weekend.

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January: Review in Pictures

January in Review. Read more at pamelapetrus.comJanuary was such an awesome month. It’s naturally one of my favorites because it’s my birthday month. I also love the “fresh start” and the emphasis on goal-setting. These things combined mean January can’t help but be at the top of my list. As we welcome the month of love, I decided to highlight a few of my favorite moments from this past month.

  1. We finally hung curtains in the living room! It’s been a year and a half since we’ve been in this house…with no curtains. I chose to add these to the month of memories because this overdue change made such a difference in the room, and I feel so happy and accomplished every time I look at them.
  2.  I started working on my daily step goal! I’m not doing super awesome at it. I’ll admit it. However, progress is better than perfection, and I’m definitely more aware of my activity level these days.
  3.  All the houses! January has started off with a bang in the real estate arena. I’m so thankful for a good jump on the year, and I’m so very excited about the growth/changes on the horizon. (P.S. Be sure to let me know when you hear of someone looking to buy/sell a house. I can help anywhere in the US!)
  4.  Our dining room got a bit of a makeover. This photo symbolizes the changes we’ve made in our dining room to create a temporary workspace for my growing team. It also shows that I’m keeping some plants alive (a 2016 goal) and that I FINALLY pulled out this adorable print that I ordered almost 3 years ago. This photo celebrates a lot of milestones and progress for the month.
  5.  I celebrated my 30th birthday!!! We definitely couldn’t recap the month without mentioning this fact. It was definitely the highlight of my month.
  6.  I chose a word for the year and talked about it here on the blog. I’ve already had multiple opportunities to practice being courageous.
  7. I’m painting! I set up a painting nook, and I’ve done some random painting lately. I also talked about some hesitations and developments in the area here.
  8.  This truly is my year. I know without a doubt that 2016 is going to be one of those fundamental, unforgettable years. Big things are going to happen. I just know it. This photo represents the time I spent goal-setting and planning for the year.
  9. I worked on several house projects! One magical day, Matthew and I got so much done around the house. This photo is from a project in my closet room, and I’m happy to report that this room is so close to being “finished.”

Hooray for a productive month! I feel like it’s been waaaay longer than just 31 days, and I’m thrilled about how much was accomplished. I’m also VERY encouraged for the rest of the year. If as much happens the rest of the year as it has in January, I can only imagine what all I’ll have to report in December!

Looking back on the month like this is fun! I think I might start a new tradition. Hello, February…can’t wait to see what we accomplish together!

Turning 30

Turning 30. Read more at pamelapetrus.comI’ve been excitedly looking forward to my 30th birthday for months and months. Back in the fall, I shared a bit of a synopsis of all of the many things I experienced in my twenties. These past few weeks have been full of posts about goals and intentions for the year, so sharing a list of intentions for my thirties seems a little excessive. However, I’ve been so excited about this birthday, that I just had to think it through.

When I attempted to nail down where this excitement comes from, I couldn’t come up with a ton of reasons. In a nutshell, I feel like turning 30 gives me some legitimacy. I’ve always been “wise beyond my years” and always felt a good 5-10 years older than I actually was. As a teenager, I was always referred to as “mature.” (We can talk about reasons for that another day.) In my twenties, I sometimes felt like people didn’t take me seriously enough. As I approached my late twenties, I felt too old to relate to the younger folks and too young to relate to those older than me. Thirty felt like a perfect middle ground.

As I thought about what I expected my thirties to bring, I became so very excited. Without firm reasoning, it feels like this will be my decade. Thirty will be my year. With just two days left before I officially turn the big 3-0, I thought I’d share a bit about what I’m expecting of the next several years.

  1. I think this is when I’ll come into my own. I’ve grown so much in the last 10 years that It’s hard to explain the ways. I’ve learned so much about myself and I see the opportunity to take that knowledge and learn even more because of it. I feel like my thirties are when I’ll develop most into who I’m meant to me. I also expect to finally have the courage to just be that person.
  2. I think I’ll develop a routine in business. In addition to learning a lot about myself, I’ve learned a lot about business. I see 1,000 opportunities on the horizon and I feel like I’ll get to realize a lot of those in the next few years. I look forward to taking risks in business and developing a long term routine for my work environment…one that supports my goals and ambitions.
  3. I think I’ll move. Whether Matthew and I stay here or move to a faraway land, I expect that we’ll make a move in the next several years. In my dreams, I have a pretty clear vision of what the next house will look/feel like, and I can’t wait! One of my most prevalent life goals in to create a home that we’re always thrilled to come home to, serves as a welcoming ground for all of our friends and family, and gives us the space to relax and try new, creative things.
  4. I think I’ll develop my creative side. I’ve been dodging my creativity for a lack of time for years now. I hope that my thirties are spent testing my creative boundaries and trying many, many new things.
  5. I think I’ll spend a lot of time nurturing relationships. I hope to spend a lot of time with the people I love over the next several years. Experiences and quality relationships mean so much to me.
  6. I think I’ll see the world. Matthew and I have really upped our travel game this past year and have even more plans for 2016. I expect that the next decade will bring with it experiences from around the world, and I simply can’t wait for that.
  7. I think I’ll go after several someday goals. I’m in the process of actually writing down what these someday goals are. I have all of these things tucked away in my mind that I hope to do…someday. I expect that I’ll go after several of those in my thirties.

If I had to sum it all up, I’d say that my main intention for my thirties is to truly become who I want to be and to mold my life into the peaceful landscape that I can imagine. I can so clearly see what I want my daily life to look like, and I hope to spend the next decade making that dream a reality. I’m sure there will be hundreds of additional hopes and dreams that weave their way into reality over the next ten years. Some of them I might not even be able to imagine yet. Regardless, I know that when I sit down to write something similar about turning forty, I’ll have so much to consider! I hope that the words flow out abundantly over what I’ve seen, done, and realized. I intend to spend the next ten years being sure that I can write that piece with excitement.

On the surface, it seems like my 30th birthday will be just another day. After all, how much of a difference can one hour on a clock make? I don’t expect to turn into a magical creature when the clock strikes midnight (or maybe I will…we’ll see!). Instead, I just use this birthday as a jumping off point for a new chapter…much like we do for the new year. It’s as if you finish one paragraph strongly (my twenties) and it lends itself to new adventures to explore as you turn the page to something equally as fascinating (my thirties). It’s not about the actual date or the time. It’s about the mindset. And today, as I sit here preparing for the day to come, I feel excited and encouraged that this will be my year.

It’s My Birthday!

Bread PuddingLast week (January 9), I turned a whopping 29 years old. This post is somewhat of a recap of my birthday festivities. I’m a huuuuge birthday person. I proudly celebrate birthday weeks (sometimes months), and I take them very seriously.

Funny story: Once upon a time, my best friend gave an ex boyfriend a copy of The Breakup for Christmas. Attached was a note that read, “This is Pamela’s favorite movie. Also, here’s a tip…her birthday is a huge deal. Don’t forget that or you’ll most certainly ‘break up.'” I thought it was so clever and simply hilarious. He didn’t….which is probably why we broke up.

Birthday Eve Ice CreamThis year, however, was different. I wasn’t as excited as usual about my birthday, and it took quite a bit to get me in the mood. I attribute some of this to not feeling well and being incredibly tired. I also think that I’m so pumped about my 30th birthday, that this one feels a little blah. (I’m totally expecting my 30s to rock…not dreading that birthday at all!) Nonetheless, I finally got excited as the day rolled around. On Thursday, Matthew and I finished up work a little early, so we got ice cream, ran a few errands, and did a bit of shopping. I counted this as my birthday eve celebration, and it definitely helped me get in the mood.

It's My Birthday!

Social Bites CupcakeOn Friday, I woke up to tons of messages and facebook posts and that made me so excited! (Seriously, if you took time to message me, I totally appreciate it!) I headed over to Ruston and had lunch at one of my favorites, Beau Vines. That lemon cake is amazing! Amanda surprised me with my first Social Bites cupcake! After lunch I went for a quick massage, and then met a few folks for dinner at Cascio’s Tavern.  (The parmesan chicken and blackened chicken pasta are my favs there.)

Possibly the highlight of my birthday weekend is that my long term best friend, Naomi, got to come for a visit. I most definitely don’t get to see her enough and was thrilled that she got to come spend a few days with me for my birthday. Saturday, I had to work for a bit and then Naomi and I did some shopping. (I bought some Minnetokas from Salt & Pepper that I’m soooo excited about.)

Birthday CakePajama Party CrewBirthday Cake Saturday night, a few friends came over for a pajama party at my house. I had a million plans for this pajama party but didn’t really get to implement many. Instead, I decided that my birthday reward to myself would be to invite people over to a less-than-perfectly-clean home that still has Christmas decor up and not stress over that. I didn’t get to do many of the cutesy things I had planned, but I did get to take a breather and spend some time catching up with friends and watching girly movies. For the record, adult pajama parties are the way to go. We’ll be doing this again soon!

I’ll tell the next portion of my birthday story, solelyto make you feel good about yourself. Seriously, if you’re feeling a little down today, you should read on. It’s bound to lift your spirits. I’d like to say that we wrapped up my birthday weekend by arriving on time and perfectly dressed to my family birthday dinner on Sunday. Not quite. Instead, we arrived to family birthday dinner (hosted for me by Matthew’s parents) 40 minutes late with me rocking greasy hair and no makeup. Why is that, you ask? I put it on my calendar for the following Sunday. If I were being completely honest, I’d tell you that Matthew and I considered wrecking our car on the way over, just so the family might feel sorry for us and forget about the fact that we totally screwed up. I tell this story in a joking manner, but I felt absolutely horrible. I guess if there’s any party that it’s ok to show up late to, it would be your own birthday party. Lesson learned. I’ll be keeping a closer eye on my schedule from now on.

The celebrating even stretched into Monday, as I had lunch with my real estate team at Waterfront Grill (and ate that amazing bread pudding shown above). Speaking of my real estate team, I stopped by the office to find 20+ of these “Happy Birthday Pam” signs spread throughout the office. On the front door…the coke machine…strategically placed on the top of the trash can…you name it.  However, my name isn’t Pam. It’s Pamela – all day, every day. I enjoyed searching for the signs, but if anyone starts calling me Pam from these signs, I might have to murder a coworker. (Thanks for thinking of me, Shane.)

All in all, I had a good weekend. I enjoyed time with friends and family and felt so thankful to have so many show that they cared. I didn’t do this birthday in my usual birthday style, but it’ll still go down on the books as a success. Thanks to everyone who contributed!