November Goals

November goals at pamelapetrus.comWhen I first started to think about November goals, I felt a bit overwhelmed. The past several weeks have felt unmistakably hard, and thinking about growing or making progress of any sort just felt exhausting. Eventually though, the tables turned and I snapped out of it a bit. So finally (on October 31), I felt like setting some goals for November and here they are:

  1. Photograph at least 15 outfits this month. This may seem like a silly goal. However, I’ve been working intently on my wardrobe and photographing the resulting outfits will hopefully encourage me to wear things that I really love. I’d also like to practice my photography and photographing myself and my outfits will give me a way to do that. I feel 100% certain that I’ll regret this goal almost immediately, so I may need some encouragement. And gentle prodding. Or you may have to smack me around a little. Thanks in advance for helping me not give up.
  2. Complete one decorating project. I’ve been dreaming up ideas for this project and that project. My goal this month is to make at least one a reality. Right now I’m thinking that it’ll either be something in my closet room or finally hanging my antique mirror collection. Regardless of what the project is, I’m hoping to get something checked off the list.
  3. Decorate for Christmas!! In addition to doing one “regular” project, I’m hoping to get my house all fancied up for the holidays. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to pull out all of the Christmas items right this second. Last year, we didn’t get around to doing many outside lights or decorations. This year, I’m hoping we’ll be able to make both the inside and outside a bit more festive. I seriously can’t wait!

I almost didn’t set or share November goals this month. In addition to feeling a tad crummy, I also started telling myself that it was silly. I almost had myself convinced that no one wants to read about my personal goals and that sharing them here is pretty lame. The fact of the matter is, whether these monthly posts are read by 10 people or 10,000, they help motivate me. Setting these monthly goals (and sharing them here) serve as a motivator for making progress in areas that I may not have otherwise made progress in. As we all know, life tends to speed by rather quickly and one day we look up from our smartphones and realize that months or years have passed. This time passes quickly, and without noticing, we could have made no progress towards our big or small ideas. I don’t want that. Sharing these monthly goals with you hopefully serves as an encouragement for you to set your own monthly goals, and it certainly encourages me to make my own happen.

Setting those October goals, for example, was the precise reason that I sat aside the remote and worked more in my closet on October 31. If I hadn’t set that goal and planned to follow up on it today, I would have likely watched another episode (or four) of The Mindy Project. Setting a goal to read more this month most definitely encouraged me to pick up a book on several occasions that I normally wouldn’t have. Whether you think it’s silly or amazing, setting monthly goals can absolutely help propel you in whatever direction you want to head. And intentionally deciding what my daily life looks like is the name of my game.

I’m starting to rant a bit. My apologies. Speaking of October goals, here’s how I did last month.

  1. Two books. If I combined all of the bits and pieces I read, I’d definitely say that I completed the volume of two books. I had a bit of trouble committing to just one, though. Nonetheless, I read more than average and that was the ultimate goal anyway. First, I completed Mindy Kaling’s first book and it was quite hilarious. I’d say I’m a new fan. I also started Rising Strong by Brene Brown and I’ll warn you…you should probably expect a few (hundred) blog posts inspired by this one. It’s a pretty powerful read. I’ve already written one. Again because of this goal, I also finished my KonMari book, and I’m feeling pretty great about how I did with this goal.
  2. Capsule wardrobe. As I mentioned last month, I wasn’t really trying to reach a certain number of items (although I think that’s awesome). Instead, my goal was to continually thin my wardrobe so that I only had items that I love and feel great in. I took time to really think about the “look” I want for this season, made a list of items I need, and got rid of lots and lots of extras. Mission accomplished, I’d say!
  3. One light fixture. I actually bought two! I ordered a lovely custom-made fixture for the bathroom and bought an adorable vintage chandelier for my closet. We’re well on our way to a home free of ugly fixtures. Hooray!
  4. Burn candles. I also did well with this one, simply because I’d set the goal. Anytime I was home, I’d think about that goal and make a point to light a good smelling candle. I’m actually burning one of my favorites as I type! It certainly made the average days feel a tad more special.
  5. Work in the new office. I wish we weren’t ending with this one. I did nothing in the office. Not one thing. You can’t win them all right?? Thanks for understanding.

Sometimes setting monthly goals can feel a bit cumbersome. However, I can say with certainty that these small and sometimes large goals push me forward. I do things that I would otherwise put off or avoid. I make both minute and life-changing alterations, and I’m thankful for the motivation. What are you working on this month? Something fantastic, I hope!

4 thoughts on “November Goals”

  1. I LOVE reading about your goals because they inspire me to sit down and think about some things I want to accomplish in the next month. Sometimes it also makes me feel bad, because I don’t do everything on the list, but this season of life is teaching me about embracing who I am (even if that means a little messy and less disciplined). Thanks for encouraging me with your goals and just being an awesome person. Your third goal for this month is where it is at!! Time to break out the Christmas stuff.

    1. I’m so happy these inspire you! After setting goals and not reaching all of them, I realized that I might just need to be more realistic about the goals that I set. Each season of life is different, so try to choose things that are most important to you right now. You can get to all of the others later. You’re doing great!

  2. Well, I am a convert now.

    You’ve just motivated me to share my goals as well.

    I love reading yours monthly. My favourite part is the real story of what the month intentions where, what really happened and how it helped you reach your goals.

    I am going to do the same.

    Thank you, thank you!

    Keep it coming! I am glad you did this!

    1. Hooray! I think it’s awesome that you’re going to give monthly goals a shot. I’d love to hear what they are and how you do if you’re up for sharing. No matter what, just remember that progress is greater than perfection!

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