
April CurentlyI’ve seen these “currently” posts all over the Internet and I’ve always loved them. It’s no secret that @elisejoy’s were always my favorite. Considering the awkward spot of life we’re in right now, I thought this might be a great time to try one of my own. So here goes.

Currently I am:
rebuilding my house.

taking pictures
of all the flowers.

 that there’s Sheetrock back on my walls. (Seriously, so encouraging.)

paint colors like its my job.

learning to live comfortably in a camper.

trying to find my words again.

being thankful for a place to live, for the opportunity to rebuild, and for amazing friends/family and strangers.

working hard and fast.

stalking Emily Henderson’s blog for design ideas.

adjusting to 1,000 new things and emotions.

driving my car with the sunroof open and music up loud. (Not right this second, obviously.)

enjoying little tiny moments that might have otherwise slipped by.

growing a real estate business.

eating way too much ice cream.

loving the warm sunshine.

embarking upon a few new adventures, in spite of the madness.

sending so many thank you cards.

waiting excitedly on the new season of The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

These are just a few of the things I’m doing currently. It’s no secret that our lives were turned upside down after the flood and for a bit, I struggled to bounce back. Each day it gets easier, and though I’m not back in a routine and my writing has suffered tremendously, I’m back at work and back at life. Each day gets a little easier and each day I feel a little more like my real self. We’re slowly finding our new normal. We appreciate the well wishes through the flood and for understanding as things have been a bit harder lately. Currently, I’m thankful to be deep into the recovery stage where I finally feel my head’s above water…both literally and figuratively, I suppose.

Since I’ve strayed from my regular Monday/Thursday blog posting schedule, feel free to keep up via Instagram @pamelapetrus for now.

2 thoughts on “Currently.”

  1. Whew. That is a lot, and I’m glad you’re starting to feel like yourself again. While it is not the same, Matt has had to remind me numerous times in the past few years to knock off feeling like I am not accomplishing as much as I want to, because of all the moving we’ve had to do since 2013. He is right, of course, and it’s good to be reminded that sometimes you need to be a little more gentle with yourself in times of chaos and adjustment. (Stupid flood!)

    1. I definitely need to be more gentle on myself…even in normal situations. I read something once that asked if we’d talk to a friend the way we talk to ourselves. Definitely not, haha.

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