A New Mercedes-Benz

Mercedes Benz C250This past weekend Matthew and I made a big, huge step in our grown up lives. We bought a Mercedes. We had been casually shopping for a new vehicle for months and months, yet hadn’t really committed to buying anything. This weekend though, things suddenly got serious.

This story begins as “that time I almost bought a Mustang.” Friday night we brought home one of the new, oh-so-fine Mustang GTs and planned to go back and sign papers on Saturday morning. We wanted something fast and fun while we were still young and didn’t need to make room for car seats and soccer equipment. I’ve never been a Mustang fan, yet this new redesign is simply gorgeous. We decided to buy it. However, after driving it home over the weekend, we realized the ride was just too rough and noisy for my daily life. After all, I’m in my car most of the day. While it would be fun to drive, it wouldn’t be as comfortable as other options or conducive to my business.

Saddened by the thought of not coming home with this fancy Mustang, we decided to drive to Shreveport and test drive four or five other vehicles that Matthew had found. We really had no intention of buying a vehicle at this point. I was coming off of a migraine from the previous evening and felt tired and foggy. Matthew had the day off though, and this seemed like a great way to spend some time together.

Mercedes Benz C250 frontWe pulled up at the Mercedes dealership first, and I just wandered around a bit while Matthew talked to the salesman. I chose two cars right away that I liked and ruled out all of the others. We drove them both and chatted with the salesman. If I were being honest with myself, I’d say that I knew right away that this black Mercedes C250 was mine. It just felt right. There were so many things I loved about the car, and I felt so much more comfortable there than in any of the other vehicles I had driven. Nonetheless, it took me hours to commit to the idea of buying a Mercedes.

Here’s why:
1. It was the most expensive vehicle either of us had ever bought. That’s a bit scary. There’s something a tad frightening about doubling your car shopping budget, even if the money is there. For me, I was making a mental list of all of the other things I could (and maybe should) do with that extra money.

2. I was genuinely afraid of what people would say. This is probably the hardest one to admit and the most prevalent. I’ve only had the car for a few days now and I’ve already heard things like, “keeping up with the Jones'” and “that’s too expensive for me to ride in.” I didn’t want to suddenly be considered a snob, just because I bought a nice car.

If I were being brave, I’d admit that this was one of the main hesitations that I’ve had with buying a new car. When I was added to the Associate Leadership Council at my office, we talked about this very thing at our initial retreat. I hadn’t bought a nice car (even though I’ve worked very hard for it and spend most of my time there) because I didn’t want people to see me differently. All of these thoughts are simply holding me back and things that I have to deal with on a personal level. I took the first step though…I bought the car. Now, I’ll just hope that people will be happy for me instead of judgmental.

3. I’m deathly afraid that someone is going to hit/scratch/dent it. My last car was banged and bruised to no avail and not one person ever stopped to apologize or offer remedy. It feels like a scratch or dent is going to hurt much more in this car. Guess I’ll be that person parking at the back of the lot…

Mercedes Benz C250Mercedes Benz at nightAll in all, I am thrilled to be the owner of this new car. I can’t wait to drive it and take it on trips with Matthew. As simple as it is, my favorite features are the illuminated “Mercedes-Benz” on the door sill when you open it, the adorable blue stitching on the seats, the awesome sound system, and the light-up emblem on the front. (It’s almost always all about the details for me.) The safety features are mind boggling also, and I love how well everything is finished. I can’t wait to get the windows tinted and drive from one appointment to the next.

Let’s talk for a bit about the service we received at Holmes Mercedes. Matthew and I both have bought and sold several vehicles. This was by far one of our best experiences yet. As a matter of fact, it was even enjoyable! Most of the pleasantness can be attributed to our salesman, Kenn Posey. Kenn was the polar opposite of your stereotypical car salesman, and so much more pleasant to work with than anyone at any of the other dealerships…and we’d been to a lot. He knew everything we could possibly want know about the car and was not in the least bit pushy. It was almost like we’d brought a friend along for the experience, not a salesman. We were at Holmes Mercedes for several hours and at no point were we frustrated or rushing to leave. If you’re even remotely considering a Mercedes purchase, I recommend that you talk to Kenn first. I throughly look forward to working with them in the future.

Mercedes Benz C250There are two lessons to be learned from this story. The first is to always trust your gut, especially on larger purchases. I tried really, really hard to make that Mustang work. However, something told me that it wasn’t the right fit for us. Second, don’t make a decision for you or your family based upon fear of what someone else will think. All too often we let what friends, family, or even strangers, will think or say stand in the way of doing things that will make us happy. Buy that car. Make that move. Quit that crappy job. Dye your hair blue. Do whatever it is that will make you happy, without worrying about what others will think. They likely won’t remember in the end, yet you certainly will. Life is short and you only get one shot, so make it a good one!

Read more:
Our first car purchase. 
When we bought a house. 
And mattresses….the most riveting of the grown up decisions.

23 thoughts on “A New Mercedes-Benz”

  1. I am so very happy for you! You work too hard and spend too much time in a car NOT to absolutely love your vehicle! Now. Come pick me up.

  2. Pamela,
    My heart swells reading your kind words. I am the lucky woman who gets to be with Kenn everyday. I have always admired his knowledge and dedication to ensuring his customers have a positive buying experience. He is truly a genuinely humble and kind man. Thank you for your kind words about Kenn, he appreciates them more than you know. Enjoy your car, they are so great to drive!
    Live a great day!

  3. I just recently bought a benz GLK 250 from Homles! I had all the same hesitations as you! The service was amazing, and I too am afraid to drive it anywhere. Not to mention the keeping up with the Jones comments.

    Happy Driving!

    1. Jennifer, I have thoroughly loved driving it so far. I was so scared to tell people that I’d bought a Mercedes, yet most of the feedback has been great and positive! I hope you continue to enjoy your GLK!

  4. Congratulations! When I bought my Crossfire, I had some of the same issues. I had worked extremely hard all of my life, all the kids were driving and seldom rode with me, and I needed a tiny bit of fun. Boy did I hear the comments – a two seater, a convertible, a six speed. Life is short and it’s just a car. Mine is the best therapy a school counselor can have, wind therapy.

    1. Orene, I certainly agree! I can already tell that I’ll be spending lots of time in this car “just driving.” I’m happy you bought your Crossfire and love it. Hope all is well your way!

  5. I bought my Mercedes from Holmes. The service is the BEST! If I need anything, they are so helpful and never make me feel like I should not have called.
    You will love your car. The safety factor, the comfort and most of all I know that I can depend on it to take care of me! Do not worry about what others say. You have worked hard and you deserve it! Enjoy!!

    1. Dianna, I was SO impressed. You’re obviously going to get better service at a luxury dealership…I just didn’t realize how much better. I would happily buy more vehicles there. I hope to see you soon!

  6. My heart swells to read your kind words about Kenn. I am the lucky woman gets to spend every day with him. He works very hard to ensure every customer has a positive buying experience. He is a genuinely humble and kind man. I know Kenn deeply appreciates your kind words.
    Enjoy your car, they are fun to drive!
    Live a great day,

    1. Fran, seems like you’re a lucky lady! My husband and I had just had terrible experiences with other salesmen and were blown away by how easy going he was. He didn’t even get impatient with how long it took me to decide! It’s only been a few days and I’m already loving the car. Can’t wait to send more people that way! (If y’all hear of anyone wanting to buy or sell a house, be sure to let me know!) Congrats on the engagement and best wishes on a happy marriage!

  7. Get it girl!!! So proud of you and all that you’ve accomplished! Major props for getting something you really wanted! Car shopping is in my future as well and I’m definitely going for one I want instead of just the best deal haha.

    1. Thanks!! I definitely recommend getting something you love. It took be a bit to commit, yet I haven’t regretted it for a second! Best of luck car shopping!

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