It’s my birthday and birthdays have always been a pretty big deal to me.
I’m in Fort Myers, FL for the Rise Conference this week. (Follow along on Instagram.) Today is day one and I could not be more excited to sit in this room. This will be the first birthday that I can remember spending alone — without my closest friends/family — and though I was excited at first, I’m having a bit of anxiety about it now. Nonetheless, I’m going to find me a cool spot for dinner and I’m going to celebrate the heck out of the opportunity I’m getting to attend this conference. I’m probably one of the few who’d choose to spend their birthday at a personal growth conference and then spend lots of money to make it happen….. There’s your first fun fact about me.
Here are 34 other things that you might not know about me:
1. I have less than 50% of my hearing. At my last hearing test, the tech unknowingly handed me pamphlets on hearing aids. I was not there to receive hearing aids.
2. I don’t like birds or other things that fly around me. It feels like an unfair advantage and the thought of something swooping down on my head gives me the creeps.
3. I use a highlighter to mark things off my list instead of just scratching things out.
4. I liked the Backstreet Boys more than NSync. But the JT of today can sway that.
5. I’ve logged hundreds of miles in Kiroli Park walking those trails. It’s my happy place and the thing I’d miss most about MWM if I ever moved.
6. I can’t sleep with the closet or bedroom doors open.
7. I prefer Kraft mac-n-cheese in the blue box over homemade or otherwise. Shells and cheese are the worst!
8. I can’t stand to get rained on. Even the tiniest drizzle annoys me.
9. I always root for the underdog or the less fortunate.
10. I don’t participate in social media arguments, but let someone talk about homeless people “spending that money on alcohol” or people “using their food stamps to buy steaks” and I’ll have no chill.
11. I use a lot of cuss words and I don’t even feel guilty about it anymore.
12. I could be the poster child for hangry.
13. And resting bitch face (RBF). I swear I’m not as sour as my face makes me appear.
14. I walk fast, always. Whether I’m actually in a hurry or not.
15. I am a “car person” in the sense of how a car looks and drives matters to me. Not in the blah blah horsepower way. In the this-one-goes-fast way. Still love this car.
16. My first car would die at red lights if I didn’t turn the AC off.
17. I am not a very good swimmer, though I love the water.
18. I once ran from the police because I didn’t want a speeding ticket. He’s probably still looking for me.
19. Not a morning person. Please don’t expect much from me until after 10am.
20. In my 4th grade school photo, I’m wearing a basketball jersey. I didn’t play or watch basketball. #trendsetter
21. I did play softball and once facilitated a triple play from shortstop.
22. I also once threw my bat at an umpire. Not one of my finer moments.
23. I can sing every word of The Bartman. If you don’t know what this is, don’t worry. No one else does either. I grew up listening to my sister’s 80s cassette tape collection. As weird as it sounds, that box of cassettes is one of the things I was saddest about losing in the flood.
24. I’ve had a strawberry cake on my birthday for as long as I can remember. (Thank you, Amanda, for keeping up the tradition.)
25. I was a Sunday School teacher at 15 and wrote an entire Vacation Bible School curriculum by myself in high school. (See No.11 if you’re wondering if I still write VBS curriculum.)
26. I get a little uncomfortable when people say “I’ll pray for you” because I feel like most people never actually do it.
27. If I could choose a musical instrument to play (without having to practice), I’d pick the drums.
28. I feel like it’s my duty to smile at everyone I pass. It makes me tired sometimes.
29. I really dislike brown roofs on houses.
30. I won’t hardly wear the colors red and black together.
31. I can’t sit comfortably on the couch without a blanket to cover up with.
32. I don’t really like coffee in an aluminum mug.
33. I often stand like a flamingo, with one leg raised and propped on the other.
34. I usually drive with my left leg under me in my seat. Shhhhh.
If you want more fun facts about me, you can read my list from my 32nd birthday. We can all laugh together at No.32. Just two years ago, no one hardly knew that my middle name was Jo and now I’m Hello Pamela Jo online! Even though I don’t actually go by Pamela Jo, I’ve loved this transition away from my old married name. I actually like it much more than I expected to. Yay! You can also read about my look back as I approached this birthday.
I’m off to go learn some more about myself and practice being a 34 year old. Don’t forget to follow on Insta if you want to tag along with my time in Florida!