Tag Archives: goals

2014 Goals

GoalsI hate New Year’s resolutions. I have always felt like they were useless. To me, it has always seemed like people set these lofty, unobtainable goals that last a mere month before going to pot. There’s one tiny, little day between this year and next year…how can one little day enable you to make major life changes??

This year though, I’m falling into the trap. I’m setting resolutions…or let’s call them goals rather. To make it even worse, most of them are the typical stuff that almost pains me to discuss.

FitnessIn 2014 I want to do the following:

exercise more. I want to do some sort of physical activity at least 2-3 times per week. My main goal here isn’t to lose a ton of weight (although I wouldn’t mind shedding 5 pounds or so). Instead, I just want to have a healthy lifestyle and add a few years on to my life.

obtain an organized house. I’ve spent the last year and a half trying to make this house into a functional home for Matthew and I. Merging two full households is way more difficult than I thought it would be! We’re learning more about what we need from this space, and I’m determined to make it happen.

blog at least twice a week. This has been my goal for a bit. I’ve done much better lately, but I still let this space fall to the wayside when I get busy. However, it’s important to me both personally and professionally, and it’s about time that I make it a priority. I deserve the freedom to let myself have time to write, and I need to remind myself of that.

try yoga. I’ve always had a slight aversion to yoga, and I’m not even sure why. However, I’m seeing how beneficial it can be, so I want to give it a whirl. — I’d appreciate any tips!!

finish decorating. I’ve been promising a home tour for over a year now and it hasn’t happened. Why? Because I never feel finished. I’ve changed our bedroom completely 4-5 times and it still has no clear direction. I mentioned wanting to finish it here and it’s still not done! The only room that I like and I’d consider finished is the living room. Sad, but true. It’s time to make some magic happen!

start and maintain a Project Life album. Blogland is full of amazing PL albums. People have been doing these for several years, and I want to give it a whirl. I’ve had the supplies for several months now, but taking that leap is a little daunting. Ones of my goals this year is to make it happen.

create books for our last two years. I came across some Smash books at TJ Maxx and almost jumped for joy. (I love paper products and these albums fascinate me.) I have a travel journal going already, but I want to quickly and easily compile the important stuff from 2012 and 2013.

update our travel journal. I need to add details from our trips to Memphis, Virgina, and Nashville. To be honest, I sort of forgot that I had started this album. Oops! It’s time to get back at it.

dedicate more time to things I enjoy. I talked before about not giving myself time to enjoy life. I’ve done much better about this lately, but I still need to do even better. I deserve time off. I deserve time for myself. I deserve a creative outlet.

say more nice things. It makes my day when a stranger says I look pretty today or compliments my outfit. We all love a little positive reinforcement, and I want to be one of those people who are always lifting someone else up. My new (unofficial) goal is to say at least one nice thing to someone every day. Most of the time we’ll think, “That’s a cute shirt,” or, “I love her hair,” but we seldom tell that person. This year, I’m going to focus on saying those things out loud. It’s time to really make a difference.

wake up earlier. I’m not a morning person. Waking up is something that I hate possibly more than anything else. However, I always feel 100% better when my day gets started earlier than usual. I’m not hoping to be up before dawn, but I’d like to try to rise just a little earlier to have some extra quiet time in the mornings. — If any of these goals are a bust, it’ll be this one. Ha!

Party SuppliesAs you can see, several of these goals are the typical stuff…exercise and get organized. I don’t like setting New Year’s goals in the first place, much less the same ones that every other person is doing. However, 2013 was a rocky year. For the last few months, I’ve been thinking that there are several things that I’d like to do differently. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months and months into years. Before we know it, this ole life will be over. If I (and you) don’t start making changes, we’ll die and have missed out on the life we always wanted. Seriously, you only get one shot. Since I’ve known I wanted to be more diligent about creating the life I want, I’ve been thinking about what that means for a while now. As the New Year approached, it gave me a hard deadline to roll out these new goals for myself.

I hope that February and March will bring with it progress on these initiatives. I hope that we are all able to carve 2014 in to the year we want it to be. A friend posted this the other day: “Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. I hope you write a great one.” While I still think it’s trivial to think of a new year as a “fresh start,” we can all use 2014 to work towards a better life. Remember, if you don’t like something about yourself, change it. You only get one shot…make it a good one!

Are you setting goals this year? Let’s talk about them in the comments!

Handmade Holiday

Christmas TreeThis year Matthew and I decided to do something a little different for Christmas. Rather than buying the usual gifts, we decided to take a little post-Christmas getaway to reconnect and rest from the busy holiday season.

I still wanted to have gifts to open on Christmas, so I suggested we each buy a simple $20 gift…just to have a present under the tree. Then, Matthew suggested we make each other something. He loves to work with his hands, and I adore a good craft project, so this was a genius idea!

I’ll spare you all of the details, but eventually we had wonderful, handmade gifts to open. Matthew made me a coat rack from pallet wood and some of the vintage doorknobs he bought me for Christmas last year. We’ve desperately needed a place to hang our coats, and I’ve been anxiously waiting for a project to use some of my doorknobs. My favorite part is that the blank space can be used to switch out various artwork and seasonal decor. I think it’s adorable that he went to Hobby Lobby to shop around for the mirrors he hung there. I should also mention that he made the entire thing by hand…no power tools were used whatsoever!

pallet wood coat rackFor Matthew’s gift, I decided to try my hand at making some bow ties. First of all, I should admit that this was a much bigger undertaking that I thought, especially since it’s been 15+ years since I’ve really used a sewing machine…and that was with my Mom’s help! Nonetheless, several retakes, multiple machine adjustments, and lots of mumbled curse words later, Matthew got 5 new bow ties! (I used this tutorial and pattern if you’re interested in making your own.)

Overall, I loved the handmade Christmas project, and I think we might do it again sometime! I hope that you all received heartfelt gifts as well, but most of all, I hope you spent a lot of quality time with loved ones.

DIY bow tiesThis Christmas season came and went so quickly, and while I’m happy to get back to a somewhat normal routine, I’m sad for the holiday spirit to fade. In an effort to enjoy the season more, I’ve made a few goals for next year. I hope to:

  • decorate earlier. I love holiday decor so much, so I want to have more time to enjoy it.
  • create more DIY decor. There are so many wonderful ideas out there for holiday decor. I want to reserve more time to create.
  • use more thoughtful wrapping. I LOVE wrapping presents. This year I ran out of time and had to rush through the process. Next year, I want to really enjoy it. I usually feel obligated to use up all of the previous year’s paper before opening new rolls. Next year, I want my wrapping to match my tree, and I want to use more personal touches, like these photo name tags for example.
  • consider more handmade gifts. I love the thoughtfulness that went into mine and Matthew’s gifts this year. Maybe it would be nice to pass that on to other friends and family. The idea of an entire handmade holiday sounds lovely…daunting but lovely!

How about you? Are you excited to see the holiday season fade or sad to see it go? What would you like to do differently next year? Surely I’m not the only one to set goals for the next year…let’s talk!