Old House: This Week’s Progress

100 year old house living room100 year old house shiplap bedroomThe house looks a lot different this week!

Kitchen cabinet demo is almost done! We were able to remove that fabulous sink and it looks like it is salvageable. I’m excited that there’s wood under the kitchen ceiling too! We uncovered some old wallpaper there which was an interesting find. I’m sure it was really pretty during its time. There’s not wood under that breakfast nook addition and I’ll either add more bead board or sheetrock that area. I’d really like to understand why the bead board is cut into pieces like it is on the one side. Oh, the unanswered questions. Also, there might be wood under the paneling walls. Fingers crossed.

100 year old house wood ceilings in kitchen100 year old house kitchen demo100 year old house kitchen demo100 year old house wallpaper ceilingIn other exciting news, new electrical wires are being ran now! All of the old wiring had to be replaced. It was still the very old knob and tube, which had been tampered with, making it even more dangerous. As we explored more and more, I’m surprised this house hadn’t caught fire already! For a second, it looked like the electrical repairs were going to cause a big delay, so I’m thrilled to see those new wires hanging!

100 year old house new electricalThe master bedroom ceiling has been uncovered and the wallpaper pulled down. I’m so very grateful to have had help pulling out all of the staples/nails from these ceilings/walls. Repetitive tasks like that are TORTURE for me, so I don’t know if I’d have made it through. There’s still a good bit to do, and we’re making good progress!  

100 year old house bead board ceiling100 year old house ceilingWe’ve also cleaned up a lot of the debris and made that first big haul away. Just having those floors swept made me feel 1,000 time better! It’s been a productive week. Thanks for following along! Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram to catch those updates too. 


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