Hello, September.

Hello, SeptemberI think September is quite possibly my favorite month of the year. (Full disclosure: I will likely say that for other months too.) I think that I love September because I feel like fall is just around the corner. Temperatures start to cool off but it’s still warm (especially in Louisiana). I feel like it’s time to pull out all of my fall attire and start getting ready for the fall holidays. I want to wear boots and sweaters and oversized hoodies. 

This September, I’m thrilled to be in a new house. Even though I’m still unpacking and decorating, I can’t help but begin to think about Halloween decorations. I’m excited about decorating for the holidays that are ahead…so much so that I might just skip regular decorations and go straight for the holiday stuff! 

I’m excited to get the ball rolling on September, so I thought I’d share a few goals I have for this month:

  1. Work out my closet organization – yes, I still have a bedroom as a closet in this house. I’m a lucky girl.
  2. Get the kitchen unpacked and squared away.
  3. Unpack most of the major boxes.
  4. Host a garage sale (or make a gigantic donation to charity).
  5. Hang at least 5 things on the walls – I’m chomping at the bits on this one!
  6. Begin using our master bathroom instead of the hall bath.
  7. Settle on living room furniture placement.
  8. Purchase at least one new shower curtain – This has been tough….everything I’ve fallen in love with has been $60-$150. Like this one. And this one. Swoon.
  9. And decide if I’ll be “ready” enough to host a Halloween party.

From the looks of this list, I better get busy! September is going to be fantastic!

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