Category Archives: Inspiration & Thoughts

We could all use a little encouragement every now and then!

Fear + Walking

Kiroli Park, West Monroe

There’s that saying, “if walls could talk,” that presumably says they’d share with us all they’ve seen and heard. In my case, it’s “if the trees and pavement” at Kiroli park could talk. Cause man, those woods have seen it all from me. I’ve taken to those trails during every major and minor life change of mine. I’ve stomped it out through a flooded house, divorce, heartache, money problems, moving unexpectedly, and health scares. I’ve paced those paths on good days and bad and if those trees could talk…

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A New Season

Day by Day with James Allen

It’s a new season today. While the weather and the view out my big picture window doesn’t really say it’s fall, the calendar does.

Personally, I can’t imagine a more perfect transition into a new season than what I’ve experienced today. I started my morning under a cozy blanket on the couch, sipping a cup of hot coffee and reading a good meditation from an old book that I just recently pulled back down from the shelf.

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Writing When You Should Be Doing Something Else

I’m lying here in bed, desperate to fall asleep. I’m supposed to be at the gym in just a few hours, awake enough to successfully step onto a box holding heavier dumbbells than I ever have before. What an appropriate name for those, by the way. Dumb…bells.

It feels like it’ll be hours before I fall asleep. So much is running through by cluttered little mind. My head has felt extra full lately and I attribute some of that to not reserving time for this, for writing out my thoughts. I’ve learned over the years that this is how I process things. Both big and small, significant and trivial. All of the things in my world make more sense when I spill out some words on a page, just like this. Lately, I’ve not done this.

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Moving & Photos from Light + Free Folk

100 yr old house living room

Back when I first bought #wfwhitehouse in all it’s outdated glory, the insanely talented Abigail Berry with Light + Free Folk reached out and offered to take some photos of the finished product for me, and I looked forward to this throughout the entire renovation. She shared my vision for that old house and could see its potential just like I could. From the very beginning, I dreamed about the fresh flowers I’d buy and scatter about for these photos. Everything would be decorated so beautifully and I’d probably do these photos right before I invited all of you in to see the big reveal. 

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Moving From #WFWhiteHouse

Kitchen - RefrigeratorI sat there on a Saturday and I cried. It was the day after I got the unofficial news that I would indeed be moving. Everything was lining up as it should to make this unexpected deal work out for everyone involved. It wouldn’t be a “done deal” for a few more weeks, though verbal agreements were made and things were falling in to place.

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Pamela Petrus at The Eli at CottonSo much has happened over the last 2-2.5 years. I lost my home and belongings to a flood. I lived in that uncertainty and rebuilt. I went through a divorce and lost that home again. I moved twice. I experienced the tragic death of a cousin and then the same for one of my closest mentors immediately after. My best friend/new boyfriend died in my lap. And then came back to life. And then we broke up and got back together. And then I had $15,000 taken from me and was homeless for a week and a half.  Continue reading

Walking As If

Kitchen WindowsWalking as if. This idea was presented to me in passing in book club and the concept has stuck with me. The premise is that you begin “walking as if” your life is already what you dream it to be. Dreaming of that promotion at work? Act as if you already have it. What would you wear? How would you treat others in your office? What time would you get to work? The idea is that by going ahead and behaving as if you already have the thing you want the most, your life will begin to take shape around it.  

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Making It Work

Moving Boxes at #wfwhitehouseOne thing that I’m really good at is making something out of nothing. It probably stems from not having a choice most of my life. I can remember my mom saving everything. Every single thing. There was never a scrap piece of wood or fabric too small. If there was a remote chance that it could be used for a future project, we kept it. I still do this. Continue reading

I’ll Be Moving Soon

Reflections of the bridgeI’ll be moving soon. I’ll be packing up and starting to live in this beautiful new house that I’ve worked so tirelessly on. I’m excited about it. I’m excited about my new, old house and everything it represents. I’m excited about a fresh start and about all the new memories that’ll be built in that place. And I’m also sad to leave where I am now.

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