Category Archives: Business

What’s Going On…Real Estate

La Real Estate Commission

Man, it has been an exciting day! It’s as if everything that I’ve been working towards for months culminated suddenly today.

I took my real estate exams this morning….and PASSED! I feel very excited to have passed both the state and national portions on the first attempt. I feel even more excited that this huge step is behind me, and I’m one step closer to beginning this new adventure.

Real Estate ExamNot only did I accomplish my last big hurdle before becoming a licensed real estate agent, I also finished up some important paperwork for the big switch over at Salt & Pepper. It’s amazing that both of these huge events unfolded today, within hours of each other.

People have been shocked that I am leaving Salt & Pepper and constantly want to know how that makes me feel. That’s a tough question! Of course, I am sad to bid farewell to such an important and huge part of my life. However, closing this one door is opening such an exciting new chapter, that it’s impossible for me to be sad for long. I’ve dreamed of trying real estate from the sidelines for years, and I am so very grateful that the opportunity arose.

As with any new adventure, I’m a tad nervous about conquering this new territory, but there’s something about it that feels right. I have a ton to learn and trainings galore in my future, but I can’t wait to take it all in. The tough part is behind me, and now I’m ready for the fun stuff!

Paperwork galoreI should be officially licensed as early as Monday, and I’ll be ready to start selling stuff! If you are considering buying or selling a house, hit me up! Even if you don’t live in this area, I can still hook you up with a fabulous agent in your town. Also, please tell your friends about me! If you’ve ever worked with me on anything before, you know that I always tell it like it is and will never, ever sell something that I don’t believe in. (Pardon the sales pitch…I have to find clients somewhere! My father-in-law always says, “If you can’t sell things to your friends and family, then who do you think you can sell to?” He has a point.)

La Real Estate CommissionAs I sit here and reflect on these past few weeks and the excitement of today, I can’t help but feel completely and utterly blessed. I’ve had so many wonderful opportunities already in my life, and I’m lucky to get to continue learning and growing. I have an AMAZING support system that stands behind and encourages me every single time I tackle something new. You guys are awesome!

That reminds me…thank you all for reading this blog (yet another project of mine). I started it as a creative outlet for myself, but it means the world to me that you all care enough to read along. So, THANK YOU!