100 Year Old House – Before

100 Year Old House Front100 Year Old House Carport100 Year Old House BackyardThere’s this 100 year old house. I saw its pictures online and took a spin to look at it up close, to see if it might be a good investment. I walked in, observing its slanted floors and dated fixtures. Noticing its potential. I envisioned turning that one room into a third bedroom and reconfiguring the kitchen. I imagined people gathering for parties and kids playing in the big yard. Next thing I knew, I envisioned myself there.

100 Year Old House Sunroom100 Year Old House Sunroom100 Year Old House Formal Living100 Year Old House Formal LivingI saw me welcoming friends through that door and sitting on that porch. I saw morning coffee and cookies baking. I saw a room that could be a nursery and a new master bathroom. I crunched numbers and made plans and tried to look at it objectively. And somewhere amidst the electrical quotes and plumbing plans, I fell in love.

100 Year Old House Living Room100 Year Old House Living Room100 Year Old House Living Room100 Year Old House Dining Room100 Year Old House Dining RoomI fell in love with this house and what it could be. I fell in love with the idea of starting a new life here. With starting my family here. I loved the idea of salvaging this place that someone called home many years before me. I loved the idea of remodeling it, keeping its character intact. I really saw myself there and saw what I could do with the place.

100 Year Old House Pink Bath100 Year Old House Pink Bath100 Year Old House Master BedroomStill, I crunched numbers. I worked to solve the problems presented and to overcome the obstacles that showed up left and right. Knob and tube wiring. Leaky plumbing. Rotted floors. Each new development ate away at the budget and still, I needed to find a way to make it mine. Still, I wanted to call this place home. Days went by and while working to solve boundary disputes and get repair quotes, I scoured Pinterest for ideas. I researched homes from that era, studying cabinet designs and tile patterns. I pondered ways to return it to its original style but in a modern way, in a way that suits me.

100 Year Old House Closet100 Year Old House BedroomOn the day that the house was officially mine, I went there immediately and let it all sink in. I posted a few pictures online and everyone was so excited about the project. There were a few surprises right out of the gate, both good and bad, and still, I was overjoyed that this place would be mine. Demo has begun and a few tasks are already complete and the plans are rolling right along. These are the “before” photos, taken right after closing. It already looks so different! I’ll share most of the progress photos on Instagram along the way, so feel free to follow along there. It’s an exciting time!

100 Year Old House Kitchen100 Year Old House Kitchen100 Year Old House Kitchen

The Basics (before): 
2 bedroom/2 bath
2,318 square feet
two living areas + a dining room
two fireplaces
built prior to 1924

This old house is set to undergo a major transformation. A few of the plans include adding a master bath from the porch area, creating a master bedroom, shifting around all of the closets, and adding a laundry room. This doesn’t count all of the cosmetic upgrades. I’ll also be replacing all plumbing, gas lines, and the electrical. Sadly, most of this has never been updated. While I intend to preserve the old-house character of this home, most everything will be new and modernized. I fully intend to keep that GORGEOUS kitchen sink and the wood ceilings we’ve uncovered and the original wood floors (pending successful repair).

100 Year Old House Shed100 Year Old House Shed100 Year Old House Tree100 Year Old House YardThis is certainly one of the largest projects I’ve ever taken on and I’m also expecting it to be the most rewarding. I hope you’ll stay tuned and go on this crazy journey with me!

12 thoughts on “100 Year Old House – Before”

    1. I agree!! Can’t wait to get together and chat old houses with you! 🙂

  1. This is great. I know it will be wonderful. Would love to come see it sometime, even before it is finished. My husband and I love old houses. Good luck!

  2. So exciting! I’ve been following on Instagram and meaning to catch up on the blog! You’re going to turn her into a beauty!

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